

Cowboys & Aliens, which is based on the graphic novel by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, centers on Jake Lonergan (Daniel Craig), a criminal who awakens with no memory and a strange bracelet on his wrist. The plot of the film is surprisingly complicated, as it reveals that Lonergan is an outlaw who has committed numerous crimes and whom many would prefer to see put in jail. When aliens arrive and start murdering and kidnapping residents of the small Wild West town of Absolution, Lonergan joins forces with Colonel Woodrow Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford


), Ella Swenson (Olivia Wilde), other townspeople, and a Native American tribe to defeat the aliens.

The Chiricahua Apache chief Black Knife (Raoul Trujillo) aids Lonergan in regaining his memory, enabling him to find the alien spacecraft that holds the kidnapped individuals and on which he was previously imprisoned. Together with Swenson, he frees the villagers, and Swenson destroys the alien spacecraft, permanently sparing both the villagers and humanity. The action/sci-fi adventure of Cowboys & Aliens can obscure some of the finer points of the story, even though the majority of it is a simple, occasionally humorous thrill trip.

The Chiricahua Apache chief Black Knife (Raoul Trujillo) aids Lonergan in regaining his memory, enabling him to find the alien spacecraft that holds the kidnapped individuals and on which he was previously imprisoned. Together with Swenson, he frees the villagers, and Swenson destroys the alien spacecraft, permanently sparing both the villagers and humanity. The action/sci-fi adventure of Cowboys & Aliens can obscure some of the finer points of the story, even though the majority of it is a simple, occasionally humorous thrill trip.




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