
There have been no shortage of cycling events and teams around the world feeling the pressure of rising costs, and Australia’s National Road series hasn’t escaped unscathed. Once powerful teams have fallen by the wayside, races have disappeared and it has become increasingly clear that the incubator for the nation’s rising talent was threatening to start running cold.

“It’s come from many, many years of, the events getting more expensive to run, less and less sponsors coming in, so the race get pushed further and further out where people can’t see them,” former professional cyclist, team owner and sports director Matt Wilson told Cyclingnews.

The nation’s cycling federation was reviewing the options and so were those outside it that had invested so much of their life in the sport. The outcome is that the AusCycling National Road Series which has provided the top level of domestic competition in the nation for approximately three decades will no longer exist in 2025.

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