
RUGBY. Clermont, the time is at the accounting regulations. Following a victory over Pau, who had given the ASM some airtime, the supporters are now expecting more from the leaders.

Nothing will ever happen to Clermont again! Even while the ASM’s victory over Pau last week caused some serious airborne turbulence, it was insufficient to reassure its followers. In fact, these leaders publicly criticized the club’s leadership as well as current coach Christophe Urios in an open letter to them.

Currently in their tenth year, the Jaunards are not in the most comfortable of circumstances. Granted, they only make up four little points from the top six and his final stages, but with just five margin on the third spot, George Moala’s partners will need to improve their season-ending performance. And their followers have understood it well, used to a run for the title.

“From 2019, the decline has been slow and seemingly unstoppable as the weight of the glorious past years seems to be putting the club in a position where it will be difficult to recover.” These are the harsh words that open the letter shared by Humeur Jaunarde’s account X (previously on Twitter).

However, if 2019 is mentioned, the supporters cite an earlier event as a metaphor for the declassification of the French double champion: “The eviction of Jean-Marc Lhermet and consequently the role of director of sports constitutes the starting point of what has led the ASM to assign all responsibilities to a single man without a sports watchdog.”

Even after moving to the rugby development cell in 2016 and announcing his departure from the club five years later, he hasn’t stopped. Citing the hiring of Blue and Yellow players in recent years as well as an underutilized training facility, the release does not hold back in criticizing Christophe Urios, the coach for the past two seasons.

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