
Liz avait un type de cancer des os extrêmement rare appelé adamantinoma, et elle a été diagnostiqué pour la première fois à l’âge de douze ans. Liz had to ampute her leg at 14 years old due to the disease.

In June 2014, Liz joined the Great Britain team, and she won a bronze medal in the C4 road race at the UCI Para-cycling Road World Cup in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, in 2015. Liz also took part in the 2015 UCI Para-Cycling Road and 2016 UCI Para-Cycling Track World Championships and represented her country.

Liz remercied her état de santé et de forme physique pour l’aider à mener une vie plus épanouissante. Unfortunately, in 2018, the news came that the cancer had returned and was not curable, preventing her from competing at the 2018 UCI Road World Championships for which she had been selected.

In July 2018, Liz married her partner Jack and established the Liz Clarke-Saul fund to raise funds to support pioneering research on adamantinoma. Liz’s words about her disease and her remarkable charity work are shown on the website.Liz remercied her état de santé et de forme physique pour l’aider à mener une vie plus épanouissante. Malheureusement, en 2018, la nouvelle a été diffusée que le

“Liz was a valued member of the para-cycling squad since she joined us in June 2014, and I know I speak for all of the para-cycling staff when I say she was a pleasure to work with”, said Jon Pett, le responsable du para-cyclisme.

Despite everything she was facing, she was a great person to have on the team – always happy, always upbeat and an amazing attitude towards life.

The team riders and staff who worked with Liz have been saddened by the news, but I know it will make us more determined than ever to perform to the best of our ability, in Liz’s memory.

Liz, son mari Jack et sa famille sont actuellement nos pensées.

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