
Following a decisive victory over the Greeks on April 12th, the French will take the field this Saturday at 18 hrs against Serbia. The goal is clear: win in order to guarantee a spot in the 2026 Coupe du Monde.

The tricolor ladies are continuing to get ready for the upcoming big event. In order to hope to compete in the upcoming world cup, which will take place in the southern hemisphere in 2026, the French urgently need to win this coming weekend in Serbia.

The tricolors led by their coach, Romain Maillot, were easily defeated by their Greek opponents in April of last year. En face de remarquables et méritantes joueuses helléniques, les bleues s’imposent 58-0 devant le public de Marmande dans ce premier match de qualification pour la Coupe du Monde.

This Saturday, the French women’s XIII will play their qualification match at the Makis Stadium in Belgrade. Barely more than a year after they were soundly defeated 114-0 in Avignon, the French now find their counterparts in the Serbs. In light of the turmoil in the Balkans, the blues will likely be focused on strengthening their readiness for the impending collapse of England and, further out, the end of the world as we know it in 2026. The British selection will be faced by the French the following weekend (Samedi, June 29) at 15:30 on the field at Ernest-Wallon Stadium during the opening match between the two men’s selections. A true test for the XIII female, who will advance to one of the best countries and continue her preparation until 2026.

Despite not knowing yet where it will take place, the rugby World Cup 2025, which was scheduled to take place in the summer of 2025, has finally been postponed for a year. Even though no official host nation has yet been named, a country in the southern hemisphere ought to take over as the host of this event. Merely huit équipes pourront y participer, selon les femmes. In 2022, the French were unable to do better than fourth and last in the B group, following the laws of Australia, New Zealand, and the Cook Islands.

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