
A press conference held this Tuesday, June 18, to discuss the upcoming legislative campaign in France, where observers are focusing on the agenda of the national assembly, was attended by European leaders. The likely legalisation of homosexual marriage in Thailand and a conversation with the captain of the French rugby team to end homophobia as a “honte” and “tabou” in the game. Finally, some updates on the European foot game.

At the press conference, the anticipated legislative campaign in France, where attention is focused on the national assembly’s agenda, confronted the Europeans. What will happen to the RN if he gains power on July 7th of next year? The French newspaper Le Parisien/Aujourd’hui has posed the question to its president. According to Jordan Bardella, his “ambition is to bring order to both the state and the country’s streets,” with the ability to purchase, security, and immigration being his top priorities. Jordan Bardella foresees that he will only travel to Matignon if and only if the RN wins a clear majority.

Prioritisation of purchasing power, security, and stopping “migratory submersion” “Au-delà du frisson face à ce slogan, il faut bien le reconnaître, tout cela n’est pas très précis” : Les Jours, an information website, criticises “vacuous announcements without even the slightest explanation of their viability.” A policy of discrimination dubbed “apartheid à la française” by Humanity, the RN, maintaining its motto of “préférence nationale,” renamed “priorité nationale” to prohibit foreigners from obtaining jobs, housing, or social services. A project that “seems inapplicable en droit actuel, mais rappelle ce qu’est l’extrême droite” is rejected by the journal.

Liberté, on the other hand, is concerned about the cultural goals of the former Front national, and it has researched the positions taken on the committees for cultural affairs and education at the assembly. Among other things, “Fixette antiwoke, privatisation of public audiovisual” Libé évoque une “impasse culture” à travers un dessin de Coco tiré de “Le Cri” de Munch, illustrative de pêle-mêle, Jeanne d’Arc, l’animateur télévisé Pascal Praud et sa chaîne, CNews, des drapeaux tricolores et des églises. En somme, “La France éternelle”.

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