
Dominique Wilkins is the most recognisable player in Atlanta Hawks history.

Before being inducted into the Hall of Fame, the Human Highlight Film guided the Hawks through one of their most prosperous eras in team history and set multiple records.

He won the NBA Slam Dunk competition twice, in 1985 and 1990, making him one of three Hawks to do it (the other two being Spur Webb and Josh Smith).

However, there should have been another trophy in his trophy case, and it should have come from defeating Michael Jordan in his hometown.

In 1988, Wilkins participated in one of the greatest dunk competitions ever, going up against Michael Jordan, who is perhaps the greatest basketball player of all time. Wilkins would have prevailed in any other year and at any other location.

However, it wasn’t in any other location. It took place in Chicago, the home of Jordan. What other issue? The magistrates. This is who was serving as the Chicago contest judge.

Wilkins gave such an amazing performance that it’s amazing he even got a chance to do it. He had already shown that he could compete with Jordan by defeating him once in the Dunk Contest.

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