
Ladies and gentlemen,

As I stand here today, my heart is heavy, yet filled with gratitude. The journey of my career has been an extraordinary one, thanks to each of you. Your unwavering support has been my lifeblood, pushing me to reach heights I never dreamed possible.

But today, I must share something that weighs on me deeply. Recently, I’ve faced health challenges that have altered the course of my life. After countless matches and years of dedication, my body has begun to tell a different story. The struggles have been tough, both physically and mentally. There have been days filled with frustration and uncertainty, but I’ve leaned on my family, my friends, and all of you—my fans.

Tennis has given me so much, and I’ve poured my heart and soul into every match. To stand on that court, to feel the energy of the crowd, has been a privilege beyond measure. But as I confront this new reality, I realize that the game will go on, whether I’m part of it or not.

It’s a bittersweet moment. I’ll cherish the memories—the victories, the comebacks, and even the losses that taught me resilience. And while I may step back from the court, my love for this sport, and for all of you, will remain unwavering.

Thank you for believing in me, for sharing in this incredible journey. I will carry your support with me as I navigate this new chapter. My hope is to inspire you, as you have inspired me. This isn’t goodbye; it’s a heartfelt thank you, and I look forward to seeing you again, in whatever form that may take.

With all my love,

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