
TRAGEDY: Daren Sammy announce the death of his best friend Cathy Daniel died in car accident with his…

For Clara Sammy, it was the moment she realised her son was special. Even if her faith doesn’t allow her to admit that Daren was the “chosen one” like most others in the community do.


It had nothing to do with cricket of course. If anything, it happened at a time when Clara felt like “cricket” was her eldest son’s only “vice”. It instead happened in church in the neighbouring community of Ti Rocher, after Daren Sammy, all of nine years, had finished giving a sermon on the Lord’s commune.


“It was quite something. How the people stood up and clapped for this little boy. It’s then that one lady who’d heard him preach came to me and said something that I’ll never forget.”


“She said, ‘People used to say nothing good ever comes out of Nazareth but something very good did. People used to say nothing good is coming out of your community, but then you now have one person who will make your community proud’.”


And before I can ask her, Clara jumps in saying, “Yes, that one person was Daren,” her voice unable to belie the understandable pride for her son. Even if her entire faith system is based on humility and surrendering yourself to God’s will.

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