
In a heartfelt statement, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the passing of her beloved father, Donald J. Harris. With deep sorrow, she reflected on the profound impact he had on her life, describing him as her guiding light and a source of unwavering support. “My father taught me the values of resilience and compassion,” she shared, her voice heavy with emotion.

Donald, a distinguished educator and advocate for social justice, inspired not only his family but also countless students and community members. Kamala recalled his laughter, his stories filled with wisdom, and the way he approached challenges with grace. “He instilled in me a love for learning and a commitment to making the world a better place,” she said, her heartache palpable.

As she mourned his loss, she also celebrated his legacy. “He showed me the importance of standing up for what is right, even when it’s difficult,” she continued, highlighting the lessons he imparted that shaped her journey. The Vice President emphasized the deep love her father had for his family, recounting fond memories of shared moments and the strength he provided during tough times.

In closing, Kamala expressed gratitude for the time they had together, vowing to honor his memory by continuing to fight for justice and equality. “Though my heart is heavy, I carry his spirit with me in everything I do,” she affirmed. The nation joined her in mourning, remembering a man who dedicated his life to uplifting others and instilling hope in the hearts of many. Donald J. Harris will be remembered not just as a father, but as a beacon of strength and love.

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