
One of the best decisions I’ve made was not allowing myself to be swayed by naysayers and detractors who predicted failure. Throughout my career, whether in real estate or television or politics, I’ve faced numerous challenges and criticisms. But I’ve always believed that staying true to my vision and instincts is crucial. For instance, when I decided to run for President, many people doubted my chances, but I was confident in my message and the need for change. I refused to let the skepticism deter me.

Similarly, in my business ventures, I’ve taken bold risks and pursued ambitious projects that others might have deemed too risky. I’ve built skyscrapers, launched successful TV shows, and developed properties in some of the most competitive markets. These achievements came from sticking to my convictions and not being easily discouraged by opposition.

By maintaining a clear vision and not being easily dissuaded by those who said it couldn’t be done, I’ve been able to achieve significant success. This determination and resilience are qualities that have served me well throughout my career. My ability to stay focused on my goals, despite the challenges and criticisms, is a testament to the importance of confidence and persistence in achieving one’s objectives.


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