
If he is not fired, I am leaving Alabama for him. This decision isn’t just about professional disagreements or workplace dynamics—it’s a matter of principle and personal integrity. I’ve invested so much in my career here, but this situation has reached a breaking point.

It’s not a decision made lightly. I’ve considered all the possible outcomes and tried to resolve the issues through proper channels. But when the leadership fails to address serious concerns, it forces individuals to reassess their commitment to an organization. For me, this isn’t just a job; it’s a reflection of my values and what I stand for.

If the current situation is allowed to persist, it sends a message that certain behaviors and decisions are acceptable, regardless of their impact on the team and the work environment. I can’t be part of a system that condones this kind of behavior, and I won’t stay in a place where my values are compromised.

I’m not just leaving for my own sake; I’m leaving for the sake of upholding the standards I believe in. It’s about maintaining dignity and professional ethics in the face of adversity. I’ve put in the effort to make things right, but sometimes, the right choice is to walk away when it becomes clear that fundamental principles are not being respected.

So, if the situation remains unchanged, I’ll be moving on. It’s a tough decision, but one that aligns with my commitment to integrity and personal standards. Alabama has been good to me, but I can’t stay if it means compromising on what I believe is right.

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