
Today, 11 professional sports leagues and organisations teamed up with the national “Love, Your Mind” campaign to announce a comprehensive mental health partnership with the premiere of a series of public service advertisements (PSAs). The series, titled “The Rituals We Share,” features star athletes sharing their “rituals,” or steps they take, to care for their minds on and off the field – encouraging sports fans across the country to prioritise their mental health and explore free resources from LoveYourMindToday.org.

The “Love, Your Mind” campaign from Huntsman Mental Health Institute and the Ad Council is dedicated to encouraging a more open, accepting and proactive society when it comes to mental health. That message is being amplified at the culmination of this Mental Health Awareness Month and beyond through the convening of sports leagues and organisations, including:

“Our country is facing a pervasive mental health crisis. We can help one another by talking about the rituals we embrace to support our mental health,” said Dr. William A. Smith, chief executive administrator at Huntsman Mental Health Institute. “So many sports fans look up to their favourite athletes, so we’re honoured to partner with many of them today to share their mental health rituals and stories to normalise talking about and taking care of our minds.”

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