
You’ll have to pardon me for the language in this piece, I’m going to share what’s on my heart as of late vis a vis Aggie Football. I’ll share it in a sequential order that I hope makes sense to you because this is my process by which I deal with my emotions which are (obviously) largely dictated by our beloved football program.

Can’t think about where we’re going unless we think about where we are right now and part of that is looking at what happened the last time Jimbo left a job. I’ve been flipping through Bud Elliott’s work over at Tomahawk Nation from the end of the 2017 season and haha it’s all pretty familiar! Flip through this piece here and and google some stuff and you’ll see that it’s probably fair to the program wasnt in the best state of affairs when the decision was made to move on from Jimbo which affected everything that I’m about to write about. The post Jimbo era was going to be a bit of a mess, and hey that’s unsurprising for a program that’s 12-12 over the last two years!

So that brings us to Elijah Robinson and tbh I dont know how we could have avoided the current weird dynamic that currently exists between Elijah Robinson and Texas A&M. Erob held this team together, cried in the locker room after a tough loss to LSU, and then heard on the fucking bus ride home (at the same time we did!) that Mike or Mark or whatever Stoops was getting the job.

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